Saturday, September 13, 2008


Yes, we are finally getting around to posting another picture...we've been getting complaints that we haven't been updating our blog quite enough (thanks for staying on top of us, Mindy:)). We didn't end up getting a 4 month photo because life has been pretty crazy for us lately with work, weddings and of course, baby planning! We are about 5 months along now and we are getting mixed reviews...some are saying that there is quite a bump and others can't seem to tell at all- so we'll let you be the judge!


Cassie said...

Hey Kinz - looking good! I think maybe our bellies are a little too similar at this point. . . hopefully, mine will start getting smaller - all this swimming has to count for something! Can you talk to the doctor and have your little one on my birthday? Can't they do things like that??? :) *Cassie

The Holliday's said...

Kinzie, you are so adorable!!! It was great seeing you last weekend and thanks for updating the blog! I love all the pics and keep us posted on everything.

Love ya.