Saturday, September 20, 2008


We had a doctor's appointment this week and unfortunately, Andrew couldn't be there. So our midwife had me give Andrew a surprise phone call so that he could hear our baby's heartbeat. He said that it was coming in loud and clear on his end at a whopping 140 beats per minute- I think that he enjoyed the surprise!:)

Later that evening, I felt Baby A move for the first time! And it seems that within the last couple of days that I have felt the baby most in the mornings and evenings. It is such an amazing feeling and we feel so very blessed. Our midwife said that near the end of this month, my belly should be popping out stay tuned for our 6 month picture and we'll see!


Cassie said...

That's such good news! I've been telling EVERYBODY!!! Congratulations! and lots of love and hugs!

The Holliday's said...

Ok, I am ready for new pictures!!! How about a profile shot and an update on the baby???!!! :):)