Sunday, July 27, 2008


We finally got to see our baby! It is just so amazing how quickly it grows! It was so fun to watch it move around- it was kicking it's feet and moving it's arms around- the doctor said that it must be a boy because during the ultrasound it started picking it's nose! It made us laugh- we could have sat in there for hours watching it. Two weeks later we got to hear it's heartbeat for the first time. We just feel so blessed and cannot wait to meet our little one. We've got an ultrasound image and will post it later...


Anna Aasen said...

welcome to the "blog" it's a fun world in here:) You said you wanted advice and you know me - I give it whether you want it or not;) My best advice to you is to not worry about what other people tell you that you should do (believe me, when it comes to babies - everyone has an opinion) follow your instincts - do what you feel is right and it will be. Kinzie - you are going to be a great mom - you've always been great with kids. Oh and Drew you too are going to be an excellent daddy - can't wait to take pics of your belly and precious new baby and just watch you two as parents. Smart baby to pick you as parents! Love you.

A,A,A & A

The Holliday's said...

We are so happy for you guys! We can't wait to see pictures and all the updates on your blog! Keep us posted.


Mike and Mindy

Becky Crane said...

We are so excited for you! You are a very deserving couple and will be fantastic parents. I can't wait to kiss new baby cheeks...

We love you and can't wait to see you!

The Cranes

Rachel Westfall said...

Well congratulations Drew and Kinzie!! How exciting is this?! I'd say, for advice, use coca butter! I've heard it works; I personally don't know, but I can tell you that stretch marks stink, so it's worth a shot. If I had it do do all over again.....:) I hope you guys are keeping well and that you enjoy your pregnancy. We'll keep checking in!

Jason & Rachel W.