Yes, it's true...we're expecting Baby Aasen #2!! We're so excited and can't wait to meet our sweet one. Baby's official due date is August 12th-Jozie greeted us 10 days early, so we'll see what this little one has planned! We're kind of crossing our fingers for July 31st-my dad's birthday-thought that might be fun:) We pray that this sweet baby and pregnancy are both healthy, safe and of course, happy. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue this exciting journey~
We will post pictures when we have a chance-my computer access has been very limited, but hopefully within the next couple of months it will be better. I have lots of fun pictures to post and can't wait to share.
Have this sweet picture of Miss J that was uploaded from my cell-a bit grainy-but still sweet. LOVE the BELLY, I know-only she can pull that off:) This was her Halloween costume...too cute, huh?